Animated hockey drills
Playname: Nightmare suicide drill
Nightmare Suicides
Players line up behind goal line including goalies.

Starting on the whistle everyone skates to the face off dots stops facing the scorers bench at all times.

Now the bit that hurts
It is important that the player stops before they start each exercise or they are just cheating themselves so no sliding into the exercises.

On the first rotation each player does 1 Press Up at the first dot, 2 and the second, 3 at the third, 4 at the fourth and only stops on the base line

(A Press Up is place hands shoulder-width apart on stick lie down on chest place knuckles on ice/court and go up and down centering stick on nipple line of chest feet together back straight)
On the second rotation each player does one Power Crunch at the first, 2 at second etc..

(A Power Crunch is lying on back, knees bent stick vertical above shoulders and push it towards the roof and lift shoulders off the ice/court)

On the third rotation each player does one Burpee at the first dot, 2 at the second etc...

(A Burpee is place hands shoulder-width apart on stick, bend at waist place knuckles on ice/court keeping legs straight push legs back onto toes going down into a press up position keeping feet together then pull legs back up without bending knees until bent at the waist and then stand up
It is important after each Burpee that you stand and reset yourself)
Drill submitted by: Greg B
Sub category: Conditioning

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