- The puck is dumped into the corner.
- Defenseman passes the puck behind the net to other defenseman.
- Puck is passed up to winger on puck side who go towards the pass.
- Winger turns and moves up ice passing the puck to the center who is skating down in the middle of the ice.

Players skate to breakout positions.
Defenseman retrieves the puck.

Defenseman moves pucks behind the net.
Center shifts.
Far side winger moves to slot to cover any opponent.
Passes puck to other defenseman.

Defenseman with puck passes to winger on the puck side.
This winger goes to the pass.

Winger with puck turns to skate down ice with puck.
Puck side defense moves to high slot.
Center and far winger start to breakout.

Winger passes to center moving down ice for attack.

Submitted by: Richard Lafond
Sub categories: Transition, Offense